In the draw of National Lottery this Saturday, April 8, draw for the benefit of the Spanish Red Cross, we have sold the number 15368, which has been awarded with an approximation prize and a hundred.
Every tenth has been awarded with the amount of € 1790, which the lucky can charge directly at the window, not exceeding the amount of € 2500. There has been a lucky one in our website, that already has it entered in his balance of prizes.
The draw that has been held in Ourense is part of the national lottery drawings that destines part of the benefit to charities, as is the case, this prize for those who are not well versed in the lottery are obtained those numbers that are either a Number more than the first or second prize, is then called "posterior", in this case it has been 15370, or those who are a number less than these prizes, as is the case, 15368, and are called "previous", is A prize of the denominated ones of consolation, because for very little it does not touch the main prize.
The next draw for charity will be on Saturday May 6th, which coincides with the draw for Mother"s Day, and whose benefit will go to the Spanish Association to fight cancer